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Personal Finance

Learn how to build a budget, save for retirement, check your credit score and more.

How does your credit stack up?

Get your score and understand what it means.

The basics

How to Save Money in 8 Easy Steps

Saving money doesn’t have to be complicated. Follow this simple guide to how to save money toward your financial goals, like paying off debt or buying a house.

How to Get a Better Credit Score

Want to improve your credit fast? Learn how to get a better credit score by paying bills on time, keeping your credit utilization ratio low, and more.

What You Need to Know About Credit Reports

You can order your credit report in Canada for free. Learn what the file means, how credit is established, how to check, monitor and fix errors.

How to Check Your Credit Score and Rebuild Your Credit History

Checking your credit report won’t hurt your credit score. Learn how to check for free in Canada so you can start to rebuild your credit history.

Managing money

Are you balancing your needs with your wants?

Your questions, answered

How Do Credit Inquiries Work?

Lenders and creditors perform two types of credit checks: soft inquiries and hard inquiries. Both access your credit history, but they affect your credit score differently.

What is a Good Credit Score in Canada?

Credit scores in Canada range from 300 to 900. The higher the better. Generally: 660-724 is good; 725-759 is very good; 760-900 is excellent.

What is the Ideal Credit Utilization Ratio?

Your credit utilization ratio calculates how much of your available credit is currently being used. This figure represents 30% of your credit score.
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